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National High Schools Debate Championship 2019

National High Schools Debate Championship 2019

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We won! Congratulations to Elias Bellver, Yujing Wang, Mariel Tähtivaara and Aarni Hilden on winning the National High Schools Debate Championship 2019! This year the championship was held at SYK from 19th to 20th of January. We are grateful to the Federation of Finnish-British and Finnish Debating Association for organizing this event as well as 13 teams of enthusiastic debaters from all over Finland: Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Pori. All members of the champion team were on the honorary list of “Top 10 Speakers”, with Yujing Wang (IB1) winning the title of “Best Speaker”. The finals motion this year was “This House Believes that capitalism has failed”.

Many thanks to inspiring IB English teachers Christine Stevenage and Darby Clifford-Rosengren, as well as to SYK student volunteers, whose hard work ensured the smooth running of the event. This is SYK’s second win in consecutive years: we are so proud of our debaters!