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Preparatory Year: Admission decisions in 2025:

Applicants living in Finland and applying with Finnish Basic Education School Leaving Reports:

Each applicant fills in the joint application form by the deadline (18.2.-18.3.2025 by 3 p.m.) at Applicants applying with Finnish basic education school leaving certificates will be invited to attend an entrance exam (23.4.2025).

The admission decisions will made based on the entrance exam scores (Math test 2 points, English written task 2 points, another written task in either Finnish or English 1 point) and the applicant’s GPA (10 points; theoretical subjects). The total maximum score is therefore 15 points.

Applicants living in Finland and applying with International School Reports:

All preparatory year applicants must fill in the joint application form at  by the deadline ( 18.2.–18.3.2025 by 3 p.m.).

Admission decisions will be based on application documents, school reports and the entrance exam. The entrance exam (23.4.2025) includes a test in mathematics, a written task in English and another written task to be completed either in English or in Finnish.

Application documents, including a copy of the most recent school report card, must be sent to the school by March 18th, 2025.

International Applicants:

All preparatory year applicants must fill in the joint application form at  by the deadline ( 18.2.-18.3.2025 by 3 p.m.).  We welcome applications both from applicants who complete the Finnish Comprehensive School as well as from applicants currently living abroad.

Admission decisions will be made based on application documents and school reports. (No entrance exam for international applicants who are applying from abroad). The applicant may also be asked to show some additional evidence or proof of their skills, if necessary.

International applicants should note that we cannot admit underaged students who wish to move to Finland on their own without their families. We will assess the applicants’ need for a study place in Helsinki when we make admission decisions regarding international applicants.

SYK cannot admit students who speak English only as each student is expected to study at least two languages; one of which is usually their mother tongue.  No prior knowledge of Finnish or Swedish is required, but we encourage our students to learn Finnish.  SYK is not a high school for adults and preparatory year students are usually 15-16 years of age at the start of their studies.


IB-linjan (valmentava vuosi) valintaperusteet 2025:

Suomalaisen perusopetuksen pohjalta yhteishaussa hakevat hakijat:

Kaikki hakijat osallistuvat yhteishakuun 18.2.–18.3.2025 (klo 15.00 mennessä)

Valintapäätökset tehdään pääsykokeen sekä lukuaineiden keskiarvon perusteella (perusopetuksen päättöarviointi). Korkein mahdollinen pistemäärä on 15 pistettä (pääsykoe enintään 5, keskiarvo enintään 10). Pääsykoe (23.4.2025) sisältää matematiikan kokeen lisäksi kaksi kirjoitustehtävää: englannin kirjoitelman ja toisen kirjoitustehtävän, joka tehdään englanniksi tai suomeksi.

Suomessa asuvat mutta kansainvälisellä todistuksella hakevat (harkinnanvaraiset hakijat):

Kaikki hakijat osallistuvat yhteishakuun 18.2.–18.3.2025 (klo 15.00 mennessä)

Valintapäätökset tehdään hakulomakkeiden, koulutodistusten ja pääsykokeen perusteella. Pääsykoe (23.4.2025) sisältää matematiikan kokeen lisäksi kaksi kirjoitustehtävää: englannin kirjoitelman ja toisen kirjoitustehtävän, joka tehdään englanniksi tai suomeksi.

Hakulomakkeet ja koulutodistuksen kopio lähetetään koululle 18.3.2025 mennessä.


Ulkomailla asuvat, kansainvälisellä todistuksella hakevat (harkinnanvaraiset hakijat):

Kaikki hakijat osallistuvat yhteishakuun 18.2.–18.3.2025 (klo 15.00 mennessä) Hakulomakkeet ja koulutodistuksen kopio lähetetään koululle 18.3.2025 mennessä.

Valintapäätökset tehdään hakulomakkeiden sekä koulutodistusten perusteella. Ulkomailla asuvat harkinnanvaraiset hakijat eivät osallistu pääsykokeeseen, mutta tarvittaessa koulu voi pyytää lisänäyttöjä valintapäätöksen tueksi.

Yksin ilman huoltajaa Suomeen muuttamista suunnittelevat alaikäiset hakijat eivät voi tulla valituksi. Valintapäätöksessa huomioidaan myös opiskelupaikan tarve (esim. työn vuoksi Suomeen muuttavat perheet, paluumuuttajaperheet).


IB1 applicants:
Normally students are accepted for preparatory year (10th grade) but new students may also be accepted directly into IB1 (11th grade) if places become available (this option is available for applicants who have already completed year ten or equivalent).
  1. The joint application at must be submitted by March 18, 2025 at 3 pm. The application form opens on February 18, 2025.
  2. The entrance exam will take place on April 23, 2025. Each applicant will be invited to attend.
  3. The admission decisions will be made based on the applicants' GPAs (Finnish basic education school leaving reports, GPA of of theoretical subjects) as well as entrance exam scores.
  4. The admission decisions will be published on Thursday, June 12, 2025. If you have been accepted, you should confirm your place as soon as possible.


Applicants from abroad should note that SYK is a day school, and the school does not provide any boarding facilities. Please note that we cannot admit underaged students who wish to move to Finland on their own without their families.

  1. The joint application at must be submitted by March 18, 2025 at 3 pm. The application form opens on February 18, 2025.
  2. The applicant must send a copy of ‘Candidate Application form 2025"  to SYK to arrive by March 18, 2025
  3. The applicant's current school must send a copy of 'Appraisal form 2025’ accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s most recent report card to SYK to arrive by March 18, 2025. International applicants (those applying with international report cards) living abroad don't take part in the entrance exam.
  4.  The admission decisions will be published on Thursday, June 12, 2025.  If you have been accepted, you should confirm your place as soon as possible.

Please send your application documents to:  Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, IB-section, Isonnevantie 8, 00320 Helsinki, FINLAND or

Students applying for admission without having taken the preparatory year can be admitted if they have completed year 10 or equivalent elsewhere, and if there are vacant places. Applicants from abroad should note that SYK is a day school, and the school does not provide any boarding facilities. All admitted students should have a legal guardian with them in Finland.

Applicants to IB1 

  1. The applicant must send a copy of ‘Candidate Application form 2025"  to SYK to arrive by March 18, 2025.
  2. The applicant's current school must send a copy of 'Appraisal form 2025’ accompanied by a copy of the applicant’s most recent report card to SYK to arrive by March 18, 2025.
  3. The admission decisions will be published in late May, 2025. If you have been accepted, you should confirm your place as soon as possible.

Please send your application documents to:  Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, IB-section, Isonnevantie 8, 00320 Helsinki, FINLAND or


Candidate application form 2025

Contact Details:

IB Guidance and Careers Counsellor Anu Havula,,  +358-40-5717586

IB Coordinator Anni Grönroos,,  +358-40-4825509

Head of School, Sari Tiitta,   +358-40-6739359

Address: Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, IB Section, Isonnevantie 8,00320 Helsinki, FINLAND

Timetable 2025

SYK IB Open House 2025

IB programme presentations at the school:

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 14.00 and Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 18.30


Applicants living in Finland  (applicants from Finnish comprehensive schools and applicants with International School Reports)

  • March 18 by 3 pm: The Joint Application Form (yhteishakulomake) must be filled. Applicants with international school reports must also submit the application forms.
  • April 23, 2025: Entrance exam at SYK
  • The results of the joint admission will be published on June 12, 2025.

International Applicants 

  • March 18: SYK must receive a Candidate Application -form, Appraisal Form 2025 and a copy of the applicant’s latest school report.
  • March 18 by 3 pm: The Joint Application Form (yhteishakulomake) must be completed.
  • The results of the joint admission will be published on June 12, 2025.

Applicants for IB1

  • March 18, 2025: SYK must receive a Candidate Application -form, Appraisal Form 2025 and a copy of the applicant’s latest school report.

E-mail address:

SYK mailing address:  Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, IB-section, Isonnevantie 8, 00320 Helsinki, Finland